What You Need to Know About Insurance and Your Roof Skip to content

What You Need to Know About Insurance and Your Roof

Woman with a leaking roof catching water with a bucket. Fortress Roofing Calgary

Let’s be honest with each other: insurance is a pain.

Whether you’re filing a claim for a damaged roof or trying to insure your new home, the whole process can be tedious and frustrating. We want to help you understand your insurance a little bit better and give you some money-saving tips if you’re planning on any roof upgrades in the future.

Understanding Your Coverage

The best way to know if your roof is covered is to contact your insurance provider or review your insurance agreement. Each insurance company has different policies, however, your roof is generally covered by most insurance providers. Some examples of providers that cover roof damage include…

Most insurance providers who offer home insurance include your roof as part of your coverage. However, the depth of this coverage depends on your unique policy. Some policies consider the age of your roof at the time of damage and typically, roofs that are less than 10 years old will be fully covered by your insurance. Over 10 years old, you may only be reimbursed for the depreciated value of your roof. You also may be required to have an inspector come to your home and verify damages.

If your roof is already in poor condition, you may find it difficult to get coverage, let alone reimbursement for damages. We recommend that you repair or replace your roof prior to getting insurance, or seeking out high-risk home insurance providers. Be forewarned, you will pay a much higher premium if your roof is determined to be high risk.

Making a Claim

When making a claim for a damaged roof, it’s best to provide any and all relevant information with your initial submission. This will save you time down the road as your insurance provider shouldn’t need much or any additional information regarding your claim. You’ll want to include the following…

  • “Before” and “after” photos of your roof and home exterior 
    • Update your photos any time you complete repairs or upgrades
  • Documentation on estimates, invoices, and bills you receive
    • Include the bills from your most recent repair/upgrade 
  • Contractor quotes
    • Make sure you choose a contractor with insurance expertise

Providing all of this information to your claim file will help ensure a smooth and hassle-free claims process.

Save Money on Insurance

Regardless of the insurance provider, you’re insured through, there are some universal ways to save on insurance for your home. 

1. Age of roof and insurance

The newer the roof, the bigger the savings! Insurance providers base their rates on risk, so if your roof is newly replaced, it’s likely that you can secure a discount on your coverage. 

2. Type of roof

The materials you use for your roof can also impact your insurance rates. For example, metal roofing is much more durable than asphalt shingles but will cost more to use for your roof. 

3. Shape of roof

The shape of a roof can also impact your premium. A gable roof can be more vulnerable to damage due to its exposed upside-down “V” shape, whereas a hope roof with four sides offers more protection. Read more about roof shapes by clicking here, and talk to your provider to see which roof shape could save you the most. 

4. Never take the first-rate

Always negotiate your insurance premium with a representative. It’s likely that through a discussion of your coverage, you can negotiate a lower premium. Be sure to provide documentation to further your case, and include any proof that shows you’re in “good standing”. This means you will have limited or no claims within the last 3 years, and always pay on time and in full.


Understanding your insurance coverage and how it applies to your roof is beneficial to prevent hassle down the road. Talk to your provider or review your policy to figure out what is covered and what is not. You should also make sure you’re inspecting your roof regularly and taking updated photos to have on file for any potential damages in the future.

Go online and compare rates from various home insurance providers. Your own due diligence can save you hundreds in home insurance, and these tips can help you find the best way to do just that.